Darkness Before Dawn (Part 4) – The Big Picture View
Note: Some segments of this text contain updated and expanded extracts of information published previously in the Energy Shifts series.
The Precession of the Equinoxes’ Cycle
This cycle refers to the shifting orientation of the earth’s axis caused by the pull of the gravitational forces of the Sun and other celestial bodies. These forces cause the earth’s axis to be slightly tilted and, as it spins, it wobbles slightly over time, similar to the motion of a spinning top.

The result is that the orientation of the earth’s poles is not constant. Over time, the North and South Poles point to different constellations. Consequently, the star map that’s viewable at night from any position on earth changes over time, too. The time that it takes for the earth’s poles to come full-circle to point to their original positions again is variable – but falls within a band of 24,000 to 26,000 years. The estimated average length of one completed Precession of the Equinoxes’ Cycle is currently defined as 25,772 years [1].
A Common Astronomical Framework
According to writers Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha Von Dechend in their seminal book Hamlet’s Mill: An Essay on Myth & the Frame of Time published in 1969 [2], at least 30 ancient – and not so ancient – civilisations and cultures have used the Precession of the Equinoxes’ Cycle for the mapping of time, making it the most common astronomical framework used for that purpose.
Correlation, Compatibility and Discrepancies
Interestingly, the Maya civilisation appears to be a notable exception. There seems to be no conclusive evidence that the Mayas based their calendars on the Precession of the Equinoxes’ Cycle. Susan Millbrath, Curator of Latin American Art and Archaeology at Florida Museum of Natural History, stated, for example, in a 2007 newsletter of the Institute of Maya Studies that: “Nowhere do we see a Maya record that accurately records the cycle of precession of the equinox known to us today [3].”
Nevertheless, the Maya Five Worlds model (explained in the article The Maya World Tree) matches the length of the Precession of the Equinoxes’ Cycle almost perfectly. It is beyond the scope of this essay to definitively determine whether or not the Mayas were aware of the precession of the equinoxes, but it’s also not necessary for the particular objectives of this essay.
Five consecutive 5,125-year Maya Great Cycles (which are Maya’s World Ages depicted in their creation story and measured by their Long Count calendar) result in a total of 25,625 Gregorian years when added up. This makes the Maya Five Worlds model very valuable for pinpointing and analysing our present position in time from a big picture perspective and within the context of the Precession of the Equinoxes’ Cycle.
Another ancient cycle that correlates with, and in this case is based upon, the Precession of the Equinoxes Cycle, is a particular version of the Vedic Yuga Cycle from India. That version is a fractal (a cycle within a cycle) of the more commonly known and used Maha Yuga Cycle (also known as the Chatur Yuga Cycle) of India which has a duration of 4,320,000 years.
The 24,000-year precession of the equinoxes’ version of the longer Yuga cycles was reintroduced to the world by the Hindu sage Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri in his influential book The Holy Science, published in 1894. Sri Yukteswar states in his book that the 24,000-year version was lost to the world during the Dark Age of Kali Yuga when many wise men retired to the mountains and a lot of knowledge was lost [4]. The 24,000-year version of the cycle goes as far back [5] as the Laws of Manu which date back to at least 1,500 BC [6].
As can be seen from the numbers stated above, the length of both the Maya Five Worlds model (25,625 years) and the fractal version of the Vedic Yuga Cycle (24,000 years) differs somewhat from the current average length of the Precession of the Equinoxes’ cycle, which is 25,772 years.
The Maya Five Worlds model is the closest match with a 147-year difference, while the Vedic Yuga Cycle’s fractal is 1,772 years shorter than the Precession of the Equinoxes’ Cycle, even though it is based upon it. This is a curious discrepancy and – as will be shown later – knowing the reason behind it will prove to be very beneficial from a big picture perspective in understanding the rise and fall of consciousness.
The Value of Comparative Energy Systems
The advantage of using the above two cycles side by side is that both cycles measure and define consciousness (each in their own way) within the same overall timeframe, which is the Precession of the Equinoxes’ Cycle. By using both these complementary frameworks, a more holistic and comprehensive understanding can be arrived at.
We are in a Binary Star System
The reason why the Vedic Yuga Cycle’s fractal is only 24,000 years in length is because – according to the Sri Yukteswar model – the precession of the equinoxes happens not because of the wobble of the earth’s axis, but is due to our entire solar system being part of a binary star system. What that entails is that our Sun is in an elliptical orbit with a companion star (thought to be Sirius) around the two stars’ common gravity centre (known as a barycentre [7]). This concept is discussed in great detail in Walter Cruttenden’s acclaimed book, Lost Star of the Myth and Time, published in 2005 [8].
The premise is that when two binary stars move closer to each other in the region where their orbits overlap (i.e. closer to their barycentre), their orbiting speeds accelerate. Their mutual magnetism would increase as they move closer to each other. This orbit acceleration happens only for a portion of the full cycle with the result being that the overall cycle is shorter in duration, resulting in only 24,000 years.
Neither the modern understanding of the Precession of the Equinoxes’ Cycle nor the Maya Five Worlds model takes this temporary acceleration into account mathematically. Should the two aforementioned cycles, indeed, factor such a phenomenon in, those cycles would match the 24,000-year Vedic Yuga Cycle closer. The reverse would be true, too; if the 24,000-year Vedic Yuga Cycle ignores the occurrence of a temporary orbit acceleration, its length would naturally be closer to that of the other two cycles.
Although modern scientists have not yet confirmed that our Sun has a dual star, a lot of evidence points to that being more likely than not. In 2017, it was announced that a physicist of Berkeley University and an astronomer from Harvard University had determined that it’s almost certain that our Sun originated as part of a binary star system and that most stars similar to our Sun are ‘almost certainly’ born as binaries [9]. Walter Cruttenden states in the second edition of his book (published in 2018 [10]) that, according to NASA, more than 80% of stars are currently binary star systems or multiple star systems.
The Vedic Yuga Cycle as a Framework for Consciousness
This brings us back to the subject of the Precession of the Equinoxes’ Cycle as a framework for consciousness. The implication of our Sun being in an orbit with a companion star is that consciousness increases when our Sun’s proximity is closer to the barycentre of the two orbiting stars.
This is where the Vedic Yuga Cycle is so valuable, because it defines that framework in detail. The top of the cycle is closest to the barycentre and contains the highest, brightest and longest age known as Satya Yuga. That is the famous Golden Age with the most advanced level of consciousness. The two following levels further away from the barycentre are Treta Yuga first, which is the Silver Age, and then Dwapara Yuga, which is the Bronze Age. Each level / age is shorter than the one before and is incrementally lower in consciousness, too, and they have their own particular characteristics as well.
At the very bottom of the cycle is the notorious Kali Yuga Age, also known as the Iron Age. This is the shortest and darkest age and contains energy that is dim, dense and very materialistic – and these attributes are reflected in the general consciousness of humans who lived during that age. When our Sun is the farthest away from the dual-star orbit’s common centre of gravity, we are almost literally in the dark because we are so far away from the universal magnetism (Brahma [11]) emanating from the barycentre which regulates mental virtue (dharma [11]).
Whether consciousness would be either rising or falling over time would depend on whether our Sun is moving towards Vishnunabhi (the name given by Sri Yukteswar for the barycentre [11]) on the ascending arc of the Vedic Yuga Cycle, or away from it on the descending arc. These two half-rounds of the overall cycle are called ‘electric couples’ [12] because a vortex-like energy is said to be generated between the two of them by the orbit [13].

Source: https://astrojazzblog.wordpress.com/2017/12/11/age-cycles-climate-change-consciousness-binary-star-all-connected
As far as consciousness is concerned, a slow descent of spirit into matter happens on the Sun’s journey away from the barycentre, whereas a slow rise of spirit out of matter occurs on the ascending arc during the journey back to the top of the cycle.
Q: Where are we currently in the Vedic Yuga Cycle?
In the year 2020, we find ourselves 1,522 years along the ascending arc of the Vedic Yuga Cycle. The shift-point from the descending to the ascending arcs happened in AD 498. Within the context of the overall 24,000-year Vedic ‘Great Year’ Yuga Cycle, we can see that human consciousness is still relatively low in general, but the trend is clearly upwards and will be so for thousands of years to come.

Source: David Steinmetz
The Big Picture View
The big picture view, also, is that although we are clearly on the ascending arc of evolution in the long term, the Maya Fourth World to Fifth World transition (see Preparing for the Hero’s Journey) is causing an interim dark period where the collective consciousness of humanity is in turmoil due to a confluence of many shifting energies within the same time-frame.
Expectations vs Outcomes
Few people expected so much turmoil to arrive so suddenly in 2020, whereas if it happened just after 2012 it might have been less surprising. However, it always takes a while for shifts to build momentum, and the larger the shift, the longer the delay. It would seem, though, that the real shift is now finally underway.
Hardly anyone expected a decline in consciousnesses after 2012 either, because shifts in consciousness are usually perceived as linear progressions that rise from low to high. Moreover, it was presumed in some esoteric circles that 2012 would bring an almost instant positive quantum shift in consciousness – and, when that didn’t happen, most people assumed that it would then probably happen just slowly.
Nevertheless, discerning observers would have noticed that there has, indeed, been a decline in consciousness (in some respects) in recent years, notwithstanding all the technological progress in the world (please see Incubator Earth – Part 4 for examples).
The Depth of Submersion
A regression in consciousness is a feature of dark times, and dark times are a feature of world transitions. The crux of the matter is that we don’t know how deep this transitional submersion into the collective unconsciousness will be, and we don’t know how much of the world will be left standing after the collective emerges from its journey through the Dark Night of the Collective Soul (See Preparing for the Hero’s Journey).
Fortunately, mitigating a general regression in consciousness can be done by elevating individual consciousness through the strengthening of autonomous functioning (through individuation) and this is one of the most effective ways for building resilience in the face of mass collective unconsciousness (see Incubator Earth – Parts 3 & 4).
The Light on the Horizon
We will be surfacing from our transition submersion at a higher level on the ascending arc of the Vedic Great Year Cycle compared to the level where we went under. The question is: ‘‘Will our present level of consciousness be compatible with that higher level when we arrive there? ‘’ This question will be explored along with others in the next chapter.
By J.J. Montagnier
J.J. Montagnier is an independent researcher and writer. He has been studying and writing about Maya calendar-related subjects since 2014. He travelled to Central America in 2015 to familiarise himself better with Maya culture and history.
[1] Precession of the Equinoxes. (n.d.): Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved: December 21, 2020
from https://www.britannica.com/science/precession-of-the-equinoxes
[2] Santillana, G. D. & Dechend, H. V. (1969): Hamlet’s Mill: An Essay on Myth and the Frame of Time, Gambit.
[3] Milbrath, S. (2007, December): Just How Precise is Maya Astronomy? Institute of Maya Studies Newsletter, Vol 36, Issue 12. p.2
[4] Yukteswar, S. S. (1990): The Holy Science. Self-Realization Fellowship. E-book version, 2017. p.21
[5] Cruttenden, W. (2018): Lost Star of Myth and Time (2nd ed.). Binary Research Institute. Kindle edition. p.75
[6] The Laws of Manu. (n.d.): History Department: Hanover College. Retrieved: December 21, 2020 from https://history.hanover.edu/courses/excerpts/261manu.html
[7] What is a Barycenter? (2020, November 3): NASA Space Place. Retrieved: December 21, 2020 from https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/barycenter/en/
[8] Cruttenden, W. (2005): Lost Star of Myth and Time. St Lynn’s Press
[9] UC Berkeley, (2017, June 15): New Evidence That all Stars are Born in Pairs. Berkeley News. Retrieved: December 21, 2020 from https://news.berkeley.edu/2017/06/13/new-evidence-that-all-stars-are-born-in-pairs/
[10] Cruttenden, W. (2018): Lost Star of Myth and Time (2nd ed.). Binary Research Institute. Kindle edition, p.150
[11] Yukteswar, S.S. (1990): The Holy Science. Self-Realization Fellowship. E-book version, 2017, p.15
[12] Yukteswar, S.S. (1990): The Holy Science. Self-Realization Fellowship. E-book version, 2017, p.19
[13] Orbit. (n.d.): Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved: December 21, 2020 fromhttps://www.britannica.com/science/orbit-astronomy
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