Humanity at the Crossroads (Part 1) – A World Out of Balance ** These essays are written for individuals who have a spiritual interest in Navigating the Greatest Shift. They contain futurology based on cycle science and the mystical sciences.…

Humanity at the Crossroads (Part 1) – A World Out of Balance ** These essays are written for individuals who have a spiritual interest in Navigating the Greatest Shift. They contain futurology based on cycle science and the mystical sciences.…
Darkness Before Dawn (Part 5) – The Lights Along the Way The Seasons of the Yuga Cycle Just like with the Maya cycles, the 24,000-year Vedic Yuga Cycle consists of fractals, which are smaller cycles within the larger ones. In…
Darkness Before Dawn (Part 1) – The Rise and Fall of Polarisation (2012 – 2032) Note: Some segments of this text contain updated and expanded extracts of information published previously in the Energy Shifts series. Introduction Throughout the ages,…
The Maya World Tree In Mesoamerican theology, the sacred World Tree stands in the centre of the world, vertically connecting three horizontal levels – namely, the heavens above, the earth in the middle and the underworld below. It has…
Energy Shifts (Part 6) – Going Beyond Limits To Growth ** [This is the final revision and update performed on September 4, 2022. Any previous revisions should be considered cancelled – please see additional notes at the bottom] **…
In front of them lie the bright foundations of a New World. Those who have managed to traverse the Valley of Shadows in advance have become transformed by the process. They are now able to add their unique individual building…