Energy Shifts


The resources below contain information valuable for a broad understanding of some of the physical and metaphysical energy trends discussed in the essays on this site. Note: EnergyShifts does not necessarily agree with all the views in these presentations. 


Newer Videos: Physical Energy – Talks and Presentations:

1.  Elimination of CO2 is a Suicide Pact – Interview with Professor William Happer:

2. Michaux and Masterson – The Realities of the Energy Transition:

3.Simon Michaux – The Unsustainable Transition to Renewables:

4. Mark Mills: The Energy Transition Delusion – Inescapable Mineral Realities:

5. Simon Michaux – Mining of Minerals and the Limits to Growth:
[Challenges for the proposed expansion in mining to construct a non-fossil fuel system (EV’s, batteries, wind turbines, solar panels, etc…)]

6. Energy Crisis Great Reset – Steve St. Angelo & Dave Russell:
[The Energy Cliff and its implications on the future economy – with charts & graphs]


Older Videos: Physical Energy – Talks and Presentations:

1. Steve St Angelo: Thermodynamic Oil Collapse & Future:
[Understanding EROI and Why the Economy Depends Upon it]

2. Jean-Marc Jancovici – Can We Save Energy, Employment and Growth at the Same Time?

3. Louis Arnoux Interviewed by Steve St Angelo – Thermodynamic Oil Collapse:
[Understanding EROI and How the Economy Depends Upon it (2)]

4. Arthur Keller – Collapse: The Only Realistic Scenario?

5. Joseph Tainter – Energy Gain and Complexity:
[Understanding Diminishing Returns and What it Would Take to Downscale and/or Transition]



Metaphysical Energy – Documentaries and Films: