The Maya World Tree In Mesoamerican theology, the sacred World Tree stands in the centre of the world, vertically connecting three horizontal levels – namely, the heavens above, the earth in the middle and the underworld below. It has…

The Maya World Tree In Mesoamerican theology, the sacred World Tree stands in the centre of the world, vertically connecting three horizontal levels – namely, the heavens above, the earth in the middle and the underworld below. It has…
Energy Shifts (Part 6) – Going Beyond Limits To Growth ** [This is the final revision and update performed on September 4, 2022. Any previous revisions should be considered cancelled – please see additional notes at the bottom] **…
In front of them lie the bright foundations of a New World. Those who have managed to traverse the Valley of Shadows in advance have become transformed by the process. They are now able to add their unique individual building…
Introduction “It was halfway famine, it was halfway feast” [1]. This is the translation of the original Maya prophecy for Katun 2 Ahau (2012-2032). In the next chapters, we will match this prophecy with real trends and we will make…
[Updated on April 4, 2024] Introduction An example of a paradigm shift happened for many people during and after the unexpected global financial crisis of 2008. That crisis had been forecasted by independent analysts for some time before it happened, but…
After Dark So-called “dark ages” are not only dark; they are also light. Although we tend to view dark ages with some trepidation or, perhaps, even with fear, they serve an important role. It is during dark times that we…
Introduction The first five years of the new Great Cycle, the Mayan Fifth World, turned out much less apocalyptic than initially forecasted, considering the dire predictions for 2012 and notwithstanding considerable upheaval between 2012 and 2017. In the years leading…